Piggy - Automatic Coupons & Cash Back is a Chrome extension that finds the best coupons and promotional codes and applies them automatically while you shop, saving you money.
Piggy installs like any Chrome extension and is unobtrusive. When you're at a website, Piggy goes into action looking for promotional codes. Piggy changes color from a dull grey to a red or green icon to let you know it's working.
Piggy also offers Cash Back for qualifying stores. You earn money on qualifying sites, which will be sent to you in a gift card. Rates vary, but we've seen 10% Cash Back offers. The beautiful thing about Cash Back is earning money on websites that don't have any promotions. Refer a friend and collect another five bucks for each referral.
You will need to register for an account to qualify for Cash Back and Referrals.
I'm not a coupon guy personally. For me, it seems like it takes a lot of work to find coupons or coupon codes.
Not anymore. Piggy is a Chrome extension I plan to use. Why not? It's effortless.
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