There are many utilities to move CVS to QIF but not the reverse. After exporting the QIF file you\'ll soon realize you would have to do some conversions to get this into Excel or any spreadsheet. So here is a small program that will parse a QIF file and t
Файловые менеджеры
The program NewName Pro helps you rename(number/character ending, replace/insert sign series, change file extension, ...) and sort files, to change the file attributes (date, time, readonly, ...) quickly and easily. It is also possible to make or edit id3
dPlaza File Rename ReNamer is a small, yet very flexible file renaming tool, that offers all the standard renaming procedures, including prefixes, suffixes, replacements, case changes as well as other advanced options. In addition, it can also remove brac
Smart CD Catalog Professional - это простой инструмент для каталогизации дисков, который может индексировать все ваши CD/DVD-диски и позволяет упорядочивать их по категориям и добавлять личные комментарии. Если вам нужно найти определенный файл на диске, вы можете использовать встроенную функцию поиска и найти файл без ручного поиска на своих компакт-дисках. Программа также может отслеживать диски, которые предоставлялись друзьям и составлять статистический отчет для всей вашей коллекции.
The Split Info application allows you to split the files that are too big an then it rejoins them automatically.
Удобный менеджер для управления файлами, с помощью которого можно легко и без особых навыков работать за своим персональным компьютером.
Frigate3 is a handy file manager with built-in file viewers (DBF, RTF, HTML, DOC, Excel), handy utilities (TreeNotes, StartUp Manager, Calculator, SmartPad, and Directory Size Manager) and a wealth of other options that make managing and browsing through
Solution for effective hard disk management and PC performance enhancement.
UltimateReNamerJG is a small and simple software that permit to batch-rename multiple files depending to a set of rules. You can insert an unlimited number of rules that can delete a part of the file name, or replace soma character with another one, chang
This program will create a csv file by listing the file creation date and time for the files selected in the following format, filename and path, File creation Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, second. It was requested by a CMHAS member because t